Up to You! 2 + CD audio Up to you! - is a series consists of two volumes contains consolidation and revision activities. Coursebooks are divided into 9 units each with 4 sections. In section 1, Vocabulary, you will find a dialogue or text which introduces revusion of vocabulary and communicative functions. You can build up your Ebglish vocabulary with activities like words searches, spotting the mistake and jumbled word games. In section 2, Grammar, gramatical structures are summarised in clear tables and are revised through fully ilustrated exercises. In sectoon 3, Skills, you can practise and improve your listening and reading ability. In section 4, Curiosity, you will find many funny and interesting facts on culture in UK. Audio CD includes recordings related to listening activities. Authors: Fergal Kavanagh, Catrin Elen Morris 64 colour pages, paperback ISBN 9788853613271
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